Enabling Synchronised, Self Managed, Sustainable Supply Chains

Wednesday 14th October 2020

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Register your Interest

Event Outline

Every company suffers poor visibility and understanding of the information flow across its supply chain.

If information across the supply chain is constantly changing, then trust and the value of the information diminishes. Receiving organizations buffer for this lack of certainty, lead-times lengthen and manual intervention increases. It is a world of crisis, fire-fighting and unnecessary cost and waste.

Poor supply chain process synchronization is the root cause. The solution is to gain full visibility of your supply chain network and synchronize the processes throughout the network to coordinate information exchange and product flow.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Deliver the quick wins of reducing inventory, manual intervention and lowering costs
  • Learn how synchronisation will set your supply chain on course to make significant efficiency gains
  • Discover the benefits of digitisation and process automation

What's in it for me?

A great opportunity to learn and share ideas within a group of
like-minded industry peers in an intimate round table environment.


Fully digital event;
no location restrictions

2 Hours

A deep dive into
current industry challenges

Explore current industry challenges


Moderated discussion
on key topics


Excellent way to to share
knowledge and new ideas


Like-minded peers and
subject matter experts


1 - 1 discussion time
with the hosts

Limited spaces - register your interest

This private digital round table event is limited to 15 attendees
on a first-come first-served basis.

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